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Carol Hunt (b. 1942) was always torn between the figurative and the abstract until she saw an exhibit on Furoshiki, the art of Japanese wrapping. One box wrapped in a striped fabric captured her interest. The stripes meandered over the folds of the fabric creating a sinuous, colorful rhythm. This inspiration led to the stripes on her canvases being set free and evolving into loose brush strokes. Hunt is inspired by music, Asian art and the changing seasons and colors of her garden. While painting, she listens to instrumental music, particularly piano and artists with eastern inspired dissonance. As in a musical composition, each color represents an instrument. Brushstrokes build upon brushstrokes, adding, subtracting and combining until the composition makes a musical whole. Chinese and Japanese paintings, prints, and calligraphy are endlessly inspiring, with the color and composition of Japanese prints and the bold energy and gestures of Chinese sumi paintings and calligraphy. She finds that the graceful tree branches are akin to calligraphy. 

Carol Hunt was born in Berkley, California. She studied art at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts after receiving her A.B. from Regis College and graduate credits from the University of Vermont. She has had numerous solo and group exhibitions in New York. She received an Alumnae Achievement Award from Regis College and the 1st Purchase Award, selected by Henry Geldzahler for Republic National Bank. She currently lives and works in Southampton, New York.